• GLYPO-002 – One small step, one smaller leap

    GLYPO-002 – One small step, one smaller leap

    Having now built my Level-1 rocket I set about finding a suitable launch site and an RSO willing to assess my certification flight. My closest club is FOG in Wales but this site limits launches to G impulse motors. The next nearest site, a mere 7 hours round trip, is Midlands Rocketry Club. I spoke…

  • Build Update 3 – Complete

    Build Update 3 – Complete

    I was quite proud with my progress detailed in the last post: Build Update 2 – Painting. With the motor/fin assembly now firmly bonded in place with copious amounts of epoxy, I shared a photo with a colleague of mine. He just so happens to have expert experience with high-powered model rocketry. Initially he seemed…

  • Build Update 2 – Painting

    Build Update 2 – Painting

    I started drafting this post in early April, straight after Build Update 1. Since then I have published the dilemma with the motor in “My motor choice went up in smoke“. Throughout the motor reselection process I was progressing the build, thus this post spans the build progress from April to now, mid-May. Experimenting with…

  • My motor choice went up in smoke

    My motor choice went up in smoke

    Recap: A plan that hang-fired I briefly covered my initial motor choice in the ‘Rocket Design‘ blog post. For my rocket, GLYPO-001, I required a G-class motor that I could fly at my ‘local’ club FOG, and a more powerful H-class, that I would fly elsewhere in the UK with a UKRA (UK Rocketry Association)…

  • Build Update 1

    Build Update 1

    This is a short photo-heavy update, showing the build progress so far. OpenRocket produced some very helpful 1:1 scale PDF exports that helped me size the fins. The centring rings were also included, but I bought those pre-cut from Black Cat Rocketry. In order to simply but accurately mark the fin tab interface, I quickly…

  • Bill of Materials

    Bill of Materials

    Unsurprisingly, model rocketry is a niche hobby. That said, there are a number of shops across the UK (bricks and mortar, as well as online) that sell components for the typical small black powder rockets that one can launch from a playing field (A-C class). The building and flying of large model rockets represents a…

  • Rocket Design

    Rocket Design

    Background & Requirements I am hoping to attain my UKRA (UK Rocketry Association) Level 1 and Level 2 certifications, allowing me to launch high impulse (powerful) model rockets. I plan to start with an ‘H class’ rocket, the lowest motor impulse for a Level 1 rocket, and work my way up. My ‘local’ club Fins…