Atmospheric Model

I have to start somewhere, so I may as well start here.

Aerodynamic drag plays a role in determining a rocket’s flight trajectory. In order to calculate drag, I must first calculate the atmospheric density. Atmospheric sciences are a fascinating yet complex domain. Mercifully, for amateur rocketry I don’t need a complex atmospheric model to get accurate results. In relative terms, aerodynamic forces involved in rocketry are low compared to forces generated from thrust. As the rocket ascends and atmospheric density exponentially decreases, drag becomes yet less important still.

I’ve implemented an atmospheric model into traJulia that is based on the US Standard Atmosphere. This is computationally efficient with sufficient accuracy.

Regan’s Hybrid US76-US62 Atmosphere

The 1976 US Standard Atmosphere (US76) is commonly used by aerospace engineers to predict atmospheric conditions at various altitudes. This model is important to aerospace engineers when considering aerodynamics and flight dynamics. Despite the availability of newer and higher fidelity methods, the US76 remains widely used due to its simplicity, in many cases it is more than accurate enough. I like it, and have used it extensively over the years.

Unlike the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), which is controlled by the money-grabbing ISO, the reports describing US Standard Atmospheres are public-domain and freely available.

In the book ‘Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry’ by Regan and Anandakrishnan, an interesting hybrid is described. It has US76 up to an altitude of 86 km, where the model ends, and extends it using the 1962 US Standard Atmosphere (US62) for altitudes up to 700 km.

For traJulia‘s atmospheric model, I have taken inspiration from Regan and made something with the same idea, but implemented differently to Regan’s True BASIC of the 1980s.

Overview of the code

The atmospheric model function is built in Julia and is structured to calculate five key atmospheric properties at a specified altitude:

  • Pressure (Pa)
  • Density (kg/m³)
  • Temperature (K)
  • Speed of sound (m/s)
  • Mean free path (m)

It is likely that we will only ever use density and speed of sound for the drag calculation. However, the code also returns pressure, temperature and the mean free path. Regan’s model does this, and the terms are computationally cheap in blistering-fast Julia, so why not include them for potential future use?

The model handles altitudes between 0 and 700 km, which covers the entire mesosphere, thermosphere and a reasonable chunk of the exosphere. Whilst sounding rockets might reach greater altitudes, I don’t know of any amateur rockets that get near this, besides, we are well and truly in the vacuum of space. Drag at these altitudes only matters to spacecraft in orbit for years, not rockets passing through in minutes.

Please check GitHub for the latest version of the script, how it appears at the time of writing this post:

module AtmosphereReganStandard

This module provides atmospheric properties.

The 1976 US Standard Atmosphere (US76) is used up to 86 km; for altitudes above 86 km
the model is based upon the 1962 US Standard Atmosphere (US62).

This approach is described in:
    Regan, F. J., & Anandakrishnan, S. M. (1993). "Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry".

Regan notes:
    "The model may easily be changed to meet another standard or to accommodate different
    views on the value that should be set for the exospheric temperature. The model
    specifies that thermal layers be identified and that within each layer the temperature
    varies at most linearly with altitude."

### Arguments:

- `altitude`: Altitude in metres at which to calculate atmospheric properties.
- `T₀`: Ground level temperature in Kelvin. Optional.
- `P₀` Ground level pressure in Pa. Optional.

### Returns:

A named tuple containing:

- `pressure`:Atmospheric pressure at the specified altitude (Pa).
- `density`:Atmospheric density at the specified altitude (kg/m³).
- `temperature`:Kinetic temperature at the specified altitude (K).
- `speed_of_sound`: Speed of sound at the specified altitude (m/s).
- `mean_free_path`: Mean free path length at the specified altitude (m).

### Notes:

- If the specified altitude is outside the range of the model (up to 700 km), the function
  returns `missing` for all properties.
- The model assumes that within each atmospheric layer, the temperature varies linearly
  with altitude or remains constant (isothermal layer).


using Unitful
using Unitful.DefaultSymbols  # For unit symbols like m, K, kg, etc.

# Constants
const R_UNIVERSAL = 8_314.4621u"J/(kmol*K)" # Universal gas constant
const G0 = 9.80665u"m/s^2"                  # Acceleration due to gravity
const NA = 6.0221e26u"1/kmol"               # Avogadro's number
const SIGMA = 3.65e-10u"m"                  # Effective diameter of atmospheric gas molecule
const M0 = 28.9644u"kg/kmol"                # Molecular weight of air at sea level
const RP = 6.3781e6u"m"                     # Planetary radius
const R_SPECIFIC = R_UNIVERSAL / M0         # Specific gas constant for air

# Atmospheric layer data: (Altitude, Temperature, Molecular Weight)
const DATA = [
    (11_000u"m",     216.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (20_000u"m",     216.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (32_000u"m",     228.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (47_000u"m",     270.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (51_000u"m",     270.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (71_000u"m",     214.65u"K",   28.9644u"kg/kmol"),
    (86_000u"m",     186.946u"K",  28.952u"kg/kmol"),
    (100_000u"m",    210.65u"K",   28.88u"kg/kmol"),
    (110_000u"m",    260.65u"K",   28.56u"kg/kmol"),
    (120_000u"m",    360.65u"K",   28.07u"kg/kmol"),
    (150_000u"m",    960.65u"K",   26.92u"kg/kmol"),
    (160_000u"m",   1110.65u"K",   26.66u"kg/kmol"),
    (170_000u"m",   1210.65u"K",   26.5u"kg/kmol"),
    (190_000u"m",   1350.65u"K",   25.85u"kg/kmol"),
    (230_000u"m",   1550.65u"K",   24.69u"kg/kmol"),
    (300_000u"m",   1830.65u"K",   22.66u"kg/kmol"),
    (400_000u"m",   2160.65u"K",   19.94u"kg/kmol"),
    (500_000u"m",   2420.65u"K",   17.94u"kg/kmol"),
    (600_000u"m",   2590.65u"K",   16.84u"kg/kmol"),
    (700_000u"m",   2700.00u"K",   16.17u"kg/kmol")

# Function to calculate atmospheric properties
function atmosphere(altitude; T₀=288.15, P₀=101325.0)
    altitude = Float64(altitude) * u"m"   # Convert to Float64 and attach units
    T₀ = Float64(T₀) * u"K"
    P₀ = Float64(P₀) * u"Pa"

    # Check if altitude is within model range
    if altitude < 0u"m" || altitude > 700_000u"m"
        return (
            pressure = missing,
            density = missing,
            temperature = missing,
            speed_of_sound = missing,
            mean_free_path = missing

    # Initialise arrays with units
    num_layers = length(DATA)
    z_breakpoints = [0.0u"m"; [d[1] for d in DATA]]
    T_breakpoints = [T₀; [d[2] for d in DATA]]
    M_breakpoints = [M0; [d[3] for d in DATA]]

    # Compute lapse rates
    lapse_rates = diff(T_breakpoints) ./ diff(z_breakpoints)

    # Initialise pressure and density arrays
    P_breakpoints = zeros(num_layers + 1) .* u"Pa"
    rho_breakpoints = zeros(num_layers + 1) .* u"kg/m^3"
    P_breakpoints[1] = P₀
    rho_breakpoints[1] = P₀ / (R_SPECIFIC * T₀)

    # Calculate pressure and density at breakpoints
    for i in 1:num_layers
        if lapse_rates[i] != 0u"K/m"
            # Non-isothermal layer
            exponent = -G0 / (R_SPECIFIC * lapse_rates[i])
            temperature_ratio = T_breakpoints[i + 1] / T_breakpoints[i]
            P_breakpoints[i + 1] = P_breakpoints[i] * temperature_ratio^exponent
            rho_breakpoints[i + 1] = rho_breakpoints[i] * temperature_ratio^(exponent - 1)
            # Isothermal layer
            exponent = -G0 * (z_breakpoints[i + 1] - z_breakpoints[i]) / (R_SPECIFIC * T_breakpoints[i])
            P_breakpoints[i + 1] = P_breakpoints[i] * exp(exponent)
            rho_breakpoints[i + 1] = rho_breakpoints[i] * exp(exponent)

    # Find the atmospheric layer for the given altitude
    i = findfirst(x -> altitude < x, z_breakpoints[2:end])
    if i === nothing
        return (
            pressure = missing,
            density = missing,
            temperature = missing,
            speed_of_sound = missing,
            mean_free_path = missing

    # Interpolate properties at the desired altitude
    if lapse_rates[i] != 0u"K/m"
        # Non-isothermal layer
        temperature = T_breakpoints[i] + lapse_rates[i] * (altitude - z_breakpoints[i])
        exponent = -G0 / (R_SPECIFIC * lapse_rates[i])
        temperature_ratio = temperature / T_breakpoints[i]
        pressure = P_breakpoints[i] * temperature_ratio^exponent
        density = rho_breakpoints[i] * temperature_ratio^(exponent - 1)
        # Isothermal layer
        temperature = T_breakpoints[i]
        exponent = -G0 * (altitude - z_breakpoints[i]) / (R_SPECIFIC * T_breakpoints[i])
        pressure = P_breakpoints[i] * exp(exponent)
        density = rho_breakpoints[i] * exp(exponent)

    # Interpolate molecular weight
    M_start = M_breakpoints[i]
    M_end = M_breakpoints[i + 1]
    z_start = z_breakpoints[i]
    z_end = z_breakpoints[i + 1]
    molecular_weight = M_start + (M_end - M_start) * (altitude - z_start) / (z_end - z_start)

    # Adjusted specific gas constant
    R_specific_adjusted = R_UNIVERSAL / molecular_weight

    # Speed of sound
    gamma = 1.4  # Ratio of specific heats for air
    speed_of_sound = sqrt(gamma * R_specific_adjusted * temperature)

    # Mean free path
    average_molecular_speed = sqrt(8 * R_SPECIFIC * temperature / π)
    collision_frequency = sqrt(2) * π * NA * SIGMA^2 * average_molecular_speed
    mean_free_path = average_molecular_speed / collision_frequency

    # Return results without units for compatibility
    return (
        pressure = ustrip(pressure),
        density = ustrip(density),
        temperature = ustrip(temperature),
        speed_of_sound = ustrip(speed_of_sound),
        mean_free_path = ustrip(mean_free_path)

export atmosphere


Atmospheric Layers

The model consists of multiple atmospheric layers, each defined by altitude (breakpoints), temperature, and molecular weight.

For each layer, a lapse rate (the rate of temperature change with altitude) is calculated. The model then computes the pressure and density at the boundaries between these layers, determining whether to use either an isothermal or a non-isothermal approach depending on the lapse rate. If the lapse rate is non-zero, the temperature changes linearly; otherwise, the temperature remains constant.

The data for these layers (from the troposphere up to the exosphere) are hardcoded into the function, as with Regan’s example.


One of the advantages of this approach, as noted by Regan, is that it can easily be adapted to different atmospheric standards or updated to reflect changes in the exospheric temperature. Though I don’t anticipate needing anything ‘better’, I like the nifty modularity this affords. Even an idiot like me can adjustments the parameters with relative ease.

Verification and Validation

The important bit.

Validation is meaningless, we have fifty-years of confidence in the models. Their validity, and limitations, are well understood and well outside the scope of this blog post. If I have to argue this, you are the wrong audience for this post!

However, verification is important, especially as I’ve heavily relied on LLMs to shape the code. I have found LLMs to be a fun way to build simple code and learn a new language – Julia is new to me. It’s a strange new world, arguing with an AI as to why some of its decisions are idiotic, but equally being blown away by some cool code structures I would not have known possible. Of course, all of this make me especially cautious of output.

For our ‘truth’ data, I have used Digital Dutch’s fantastic online 1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator: I have used this for many years and trust it implicitly. By treating this as an independent and accurate US76 model, and using tabulated output, I can compare:

Verification – Density

As Digital Dutch’s US76 implementation is authentic, it is limited to 86 km. I can’t spot any obvious issues with density. Of course, this and pressure would be best plotted on a log-scale, and I will certainly have to use a log scale when I compare up to 700 km, but for now, I’m happy with the US76 section of the script.

Verification – Pressure

Much the same story can be seen with pressure.

Verification Speed of Sound and Temperature

Speed of sound agrees well, which mercifully, and as one might expect, matches the temperature. There is some divergence at the top that I will explore before next, but the linearly decrease between the breakpoints is what I expected of the code.

I believe that Regan’s hybrid was originally written in imperial units, later converted to metric for this book. This led to some constants (e.g., universal gas constant & sea-level acceleration due to gravity) being close to, but not at, their widely accepted values. I thought I caught all of these, perhaps this is something I’ve missed.

Further checks

I need to check the extended atmosphere up to 700 km, as well as mean-free-path. I should check the highest layer discrepancy, as described above. I would also like to add some kind of unit testing…

For now, I am tired, and going to bed.


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